martes, 2 de julio de 2013

A restaurant

And again… Hello my dears bloggers! Here I am, writing another topic for the blog, and you will wonder … What is the topic for today? Is “a restaurant” but the problem is I don’t have a favorite restaurant, so the most probably having homework wrong  :cc but anyway.

The topic is a restaurant, but I don’t have one favorite, so well … but I love the Cantonese Chinese food, is very good and tasty I love all the restaurants of Cantonese Chinese food awkjakwj, but I like one in special the name is “Montaña China” and is located in José Francisco Vergara with Bernardo O’Higgins, Quilicura, I like eat there, because de food is specially good and so tasty and very salty (I love salt, though I know that is bad) and this place is something important to me because I spent quality time with my family and friends in here c: … and although is not my favorite restaurant is a very nice, pretty  and quiet place, and is redundant but, is the only place and is the only place that is close to my house c: awkjwjk

And this is it, for now jajaja see you later! 

1 comentario:

  1. Andreini c:
    Mish, is a interesting food, but I don't like or maybe, when I ate in that local I dont liked your food, wacala, but I think I will must eat again this chinese food
    Regards c:
