martes, 9 de julio de 2013

A TV Programme

Hello my pretty, beautiful and handsomest bloggers the topic for today is about a TV programme watched when you were young, I pick Hey Arnold!

This TV series is about an orphan child that lived whit her grandparents in a hostel (that belonged to his grandparents) Arnold is a great and good child of nine years he going to school and play baseball with his friends also, he helped his friends always, and he giving good tips or advices, Arnold is a dreamer and an idealist who always tries to see the best in people and to do the right thing.

The series aired on Nickelodeon from October 7, 1996, until June 8, 2004, but in Chile it was aired on Megavisión (now “mega”) from 1999 to the present, I like Hey! Arnold because gives good moral values and his storyline is funny because there is a character named "helga",because it creates a situation comic, full of love and conflict, she was in love of arnold, but  this is so funny, Helga is so pathetic, but deep down she is a good person, I  think this series should have lasted longer in time, because it delivers many and very beautiful teachings

And this is it, see you later! Bye bye c:  

2 comentarios:

  1. Hhey andreo ah? jajajajajaj xd

    Sometimes I saw Hey Arnold, only when repeated this cartoon c:

  2. Andreini!! I watched Hey Arnol everyday :) I loved that cartoon because it give me a few advices for how to be a good friend xd :)
