jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Tne English Class And the University

Hello everybody, I hope you’re fine, I’m really tired because I’ve not sleep for two nights, and I have a horrible headache, this week is terrible, I’m feel miserable. But this don’t care my dears bloggers, the topic for today it’s talk about the English class (one of my favorites class) and the University, my beloved University(yes, sure…)

I like the topic but not completely, in spite of that like the class of English because the language is a great and good instrument, the university don’t is so like this, the university is stifling, I like but the university take my life for complete, I don’t sleep, I happened all the time tired, and this make me angry ><

In English (English class obviously) I need to improved my vocabulary and my way to talk, I forgot the words always, I don’t know what but this always happened. But yet I improved a lot the T.V series have helped me learn more English easily, so for this way I developed my vocabulary better and I don’t need see the TVs series whit  subtitle.

Moreover I think the blogs helped to develop the mind, the vocabulary and the writing in addition to express themselves better and more easily, using simple words for communicate all that I thinking.  Recently I Use the English much more than before, because I have two new friends who speak English one Irish and the other is Scottish, and they  teach me to speak so much better ‘cause  it’s I forced to teach me jajajaj

And this is all for today see you later! Bye bye c:

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

I love recycling

Hello my dear’s bloggers, the topic for today is talk about recycling and environmental care, I was I a green school, so I was quite the topic.
I believe that this education should be come from the house, it's just good manners. Personally I have incorporated recycling into my life since I can remember, I instilled a green world was better for all. I help the world using public transportation, or just walking because I hate riding in a car only generate more pollution and horrible jams. I belong to an organization called Greenpeace, this organization is to help the world contributing ecological way, saving damaged flora and fauna and endangered and prevent indiscriminate exploitation and pollution causes on earth. I love to participate in this organization because especially as a future geography, I am interested in environmental issues, particularly in the flora and fauna, I definitely love the vegetation.
Recently I participated in recycling campaigns in the commune of Quilicura, collecting organic waste and recyclables to help in the organization of this crap, plus we teach people how to separate their waste in an orderly manner to use and recycle as much as possible.

And this is it, see you later!

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

The Perfect Song

Hello my dear blogger, I hope you’re fine  oh this is terrible, I die of tiredness, and I hate the morning classes :c much as I hate getting up early, because I have insomnia, but well...

The topic for today is writing or talks about a song, the perfect song, I like this topic ‘cause I love the music in general, I choose a song of green day ‘cause  I like many songs of green day (As you know my favorite band in the entire world) but definitely “Waiting” is my favorite and my perfect song, this talk about of not being prepared for anything but also to be ready for all, and hope that everything  will be fine,  is totally a hope and strong song.

This is my favorite part:


Well I'm so much closer than

I have never known ...wake up! Better thank you're lucky stars...


It’s  definitely perfect ‘cause I like the rhythm, the voice of the front man (Billie Joe Armstrong), and the musical composition of the band  (my beloved green) I Don’t have any story whit this song … but… this song just reminds me the tranquility and peace, and good moments of my life

And this it all see you later!!! Bye bye

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

A video! c:

Hello my dear bloggers my apologies in advance for not writing sooner , I've been a little sick , but here we are again trying to tell all my crazy adventures .
Today's topic is a video I've ever seen, and obviously I choose a green day with his video " Warning Live" were presenting their new songs at that time at the Bridge School , I think it was in 1999 , but I saw this video in 2004 ... I think ... I saw this video when I was 12 years old , I loved the video and the vitality of young people who were , and how nice it was Billie ( love the vocalist of this band ) .
On the other hand I also love the original studio video is totally bizarre and disgusting lol is a video that tries to explain how it is to live a life without precautions and avoid each rule contaminants eg " run with scissors " or "do not eat before swim ' , this gives me a good laugh lol
I think since I heard that record ( warning ) at 12 years old I had an automatic fan Green day , this remains until now , in fact the song Waiting for this album is my favorite song in life is a song rebellion , hope, and emergence , something like never give up.

And this is it for today! See you later!

Rafael Nadal will finish the year as world No.1

Acclaimed Spanish tennis player from Asturias, 27 years old, Olympic medalist and current world No. 1 Rafael Nadal said today won the season  as  a number one.
The acclaimed tennis player has remained in this position for seven months, during his last official match qualified for London Masters semifinals by defeating the Swiss
Stanislas Wawrinka , therefore , thus ensuring its title of No. 1 until the end of the year.
Nadal won 7-6 ( 5), 7-6 ( 8/6 ) the sixth player in the world and was outside the scope of the next best -placed Novak Djokovic , although he won the last tournament of the year , bringing together in London in the top eight at the time.

Thus, the Spanish semifinals qualified for Masters and made sure to stay as world number one in a season returning after seven months of injury in his left knee , and in which he was eating ground until reaching Djokovic at the top of the ranking.

The Spaniard, 27, has won 10 tournaments in 2013 , including Roland Garros ( his eighth ) and U.S. Open . With thirteen Grand Slam titles, Nadal is close to the 17 of the most successful in history, Roger Federer, but never before won a Masters.

miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

An important day in my life

Hello my dears bloggers today I’m going to talk about an extraordinary and special day in my life, it is a little hard to decide, but I choose the day that I met my favorite band and this it … Green Day!!!
It was the day October 23, 2010 … I sat on the cold floor, leaning against a fence; the fence of the stadium florida bicentennial, waiting for what would be the best day of my life, until now, I had a terrible craving to open the gate as quickly as possible, but had to wait until 4 pm, was "desperate, but not hopeless" (I quote a song by green day jkawawjkawjk).
Finally it was time, never forget the marathon I ran to try to get to the front row of the concert, it was hard, but I did. I fell asleep leaning on the railing that separates the audience from the first stage while the band played "bbs paranoid", deserted in the middle of the attack show 77, then finally see green day, faith a sea of ​​tears, I never imagined that cry for a trio of stupid, but I did, that shame lol, but I had fun like never in my life, and what better than to be surrounded by my friends to enjoy it more

And this it is, bye bye, see you later

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

A country I would like to visit

Hi my dear bloggers the topic for today is “a country I would like to visit” (I know, I'm writing this very late but I don’t have so much time,  but here I am, I'm back)
Is very difficult to decide this but definitely I choose United Kingdom, specifically London, I love London, because through the books I've imagined a lot.
Harry Potter y los Beatles made me love this country, delighted me with their culture and language through music and books. I appreciated both their culture that I have read several books of history in relation to his kingdom, mainly books about kings, wars and successions to the throne.
I would like to know so many places, like the eye of London, Sherlock Holmes museum, king cross station, the Royal Palace, Big Ben, the historical museum, the city subway, and so much more that would never end of mention…about whether I want to try some traditional food especially, I would say no because the fried fish fries are not my favorite I hate fried food, OH! I forgot, I also want to know the University of Oxford, I love the architecture, it is surprising… I guess that's all, I would say more but would never end…

Bye bye see you later!