miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

I love recycling

Hello my dear’s bloggers, the topic for today is talk about recycling and environmental care, I was I a green school, so I was quite the topic.
I believe that this education should be come from the house, it's just good manners. Personally I have incorporated recycling into my life since I can remember, I instilled a green world was better for all. I help the world using public transportation, or just walking because I hate riding in a car only generate more pollution and horrible jams. I belong to an organization called Greenpeace, this organization is to help the world contributing ecological way, saving damaged flora and fauna and endangered and prevent indiscriminate exploitation and pollution causes on earth. I love to participate in this organization because especially as a future geography, I am interested in environmental issues, particularly in the flora and fauna, I definitely love the vegetation.
Recently I participated in recycling campaigns in the commune of Quilicura, collecting organic waste and recyclables to help in the organization of this crap, plus we teach people how to separate their waste in an orderly manner to use and recycle as much as possible.

And this is it, see you later!

2 comentarios:

  1. Exactly, education for the environment begins at home!

  2. wow, you do really help, congratulations. I would try to do it more often.
