jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Tne English Class And the University

Hello everybody, I hope you’re fine, I’m really tired because I’ve not sleep for two nights, and I have a horrible headache, this week is terrible, I’m feel miserable. But this don’t care my dears bloggers, the topic for today it’s talk about the English class (one of my favorites class) and the University, my beloved University(yes, sure…)

I like the topic but not completely, in spite of that like the class of English because the language is a great and good instrument, the university don’t is so like this, the university is stifling, I like but the university take my life for complete, I don’t sleep, I happened all the time tired, and this make me angry ><

In English (English class obviously) I need to improved my vocabulary and my way to talk, I forgot the words always, I don’t know what but this always happened. But yet I improved a lot the T.V series have helped me learn more English easily, so for this way I developed my vocabulary better and I don’t need see the TVs series whit  subtitle.

Moreover I think the blogs helped to develop the mind, the vocabulary and the writing in addition to express themselves better and more easily, using simple words for communicate all that I thinking.  Recently I Use the English much more than before, because I have two new friends who speak English one Irish and the other is Scottish, and they  teach me to speak so much better ‘cause  it’s I forced to teach me jajajaj

And this is all for today see you later! Bye bye c:

6 comentarios:

  1. Andrea is the last blog :'( and the last english in the university, It is time to say goodbye jajaja

  2. Simple words can convey really complex ideas.

    If you can express your thoughts in this page using the things you know and if you feel this can help you improve your skills it means you are doing a great job.

    Oh, and I remember those days in universuty when I wouldn't sleep at all for days...unfortunately, that situation hasn't changed for me... :(


  3. Adreini xDD the university makes feel angry too xd

  4. wajajajaja we are three which are in a bad mood because of University xD

  5. You're right, the blog is really good educational instrument and I also hate university prevents me of having a life!! or REST!!

  6. Hi, the oral exam is going to take place in room D11 at 8:30.

    The written exam will take place in our usual classroom, B11.

    Professor Lourdes Barría is in charge of your exams.

