jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

The Perfect Song

Hello my dear blogger, I hope you’re fine  oh this is terrible, I die of tiredness, and I hate the morning classes :c much as I hate getting up early, because I have insomnia, but well...

The topic for today is writing or talks about a song, the perfect song, I like this topic ‘cause I love the music in general, I choose a song of green day ‘cause  I like many songs of green day (As you know my favorite band in the entire world) but definitely “Waiting” is my favorite and my perfect song, this talk about of not being prepared for anything but also to be ready for all, and hope that everything  will be fine,  is totally a hope and strong song.

This is my favorite part:


Well I'm so much closer than

I have never known ...wake up! Better thank you're lucky stars...


It’s  definitely perfect ‘cause I like the rhythm, the voice of the front man (Billie Joe Armstrong), and the musical composition of the band  (my beloved green) I Don’t have any story whit this song … but… this song just reminds me the tranquility and peace, and good moments of my life

And this it all see you later!!! Bye bye

4 comentarios:

  1. My favourite song of Green day undoubtedly is "Time of your life" :P but this song is cool too :)

  2. oh, Green day...lovely. The first time I listened to them i was 12 years old...in 1994!!!!!

    I'm so old and they're still making music. Nice move.

    By the way, can you answer some questions here http://www.lapetus.uchile.cl/japeto/interior.php?id=105 ?


  3. Nice! I've never heard it, maybe I'll give it a try

  4. Wow, Waiting!!! Is a great song very and very motivating!!!
