miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

A country I would like to visit

Hi my dear bloggers the topic for today is “a country I would like to visit” (I know, I'm writing this very late but I don’t have so much time,  but here I am, I'm back)
Is very difficult to decide this but definitely I choose United Kingdom, specifically London, I love London, because through the books I've imagined a lot.
Harry Potter y los Beatles made me love this country, delighted me with their culture and language through music and books. I appreciated both their culture that I have read several books of history in relation to his kingdom, mainly books about kings, wars and successions to the throne.
I would like to know so many places, like the eye of London, Sherlock Holmes museum, king cross station, the Royal Palace, Big Ben, the historical museum, the city subway, and so much more that would never end of mention…about whether I want to try some traditional food especially, I would say no because the fried fish fries are not my favorite I hate fried food, OH! I forgot, I also want to know the University of Oxford, I love the architecture, it is surprising… I guess that's all, I would say more but would never end…

Bye bye see you later!

6 comentarios:

  1. Oh, London is lovely. I went there 2 years ago and I still remember it.

    I ate many different things I didn't think they existed. I tried a different brand of beer eveyday (I spent 20 days in England). Guiness is my favorite beer ever.

    I was in Camden Town when Amy Winehouse died. I will never forget that.

    Oh, and I tried falafel in London for the first time. That really changed my life.

    You should definitely go there. You'll love it.


  2. when I win a lot of money, I'll go to London jajajaja

  3. United Kingdom is so big and extremely beautiful !
    i want to go there someday, like you says, it have a magic like the fantasy novels

  4. I just dream about London, I also posted this place like my favourite c:

  5. Hi, London is a beautiful place but says it is very expensive
