jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

New semester/ a Short biography

Hi my dear Bloggers, after all this time we turn to read again, the topic for today is my biography, is very short but I’ll make this possible.

This story begins when my parents met in 1989, and they married in September of 1991, and magically three months after I was born, the place?  In Quinta normal, Santiago in the hospital “San Juan de dios” the 5th of December in 1991 and my name is Andrea, this day it was raining, very unusual for a month of spring, this month is almost summer!, but the  climate is not the central topic jajaja. Until my second birthdate I was live in Pudahuel with my parents, aunts and grandparents, but we moved to Quilicura in 1994.

In 1997 my life has change, my sister was born, it was complete chaos, she was cry all the time and I can’t sleep, and besides I started to school  in Quilicura, and I finished my basic studies in 2005 in the same school, I started high school in 2006 (it was a technical college) and fished in 2009. In this School I make many good friends. The year 2010 it was a sabbatical year, ok no, I was going to “Preu”.

And finally I started the University in 2011 and I chose geography … and this is it see you the next week bye bye.

5 comentarios:

  1. Andreini! much encouragement and good luck in the new semester ^^

  2. Young sisters are always a chaos!!!

    My life also changed when my sister was born. She cried and moaned all the time and we fought a lot. Now we are best friends and we travel abroad every year.

    I liked the "magically" concep. Hahaha.


  3. I like you photograph :) You were so kind jajaja xD

  4. Hi andreini!
    i like so much your photograph, because in my case i change my sister life ahaha.
    Regards :)
