martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Hello everybody

Hi! i hope you like my brand new blog, i don't know how it works, but...  and I hope you enjoy my articles about rock music and fantastic books, because these are my favorite things in the world.

Recently i became obsessed with game of thrones it is a  very epic and excited book, its plot centers on a medieval era with many swords and wars, oh i like so much wuahahahaha, and this is it for now.
I'll write something more coherent

game of thrones photo *House Baratheon*

8 comentarios:

  1. Star Wars is very much better that The Game Of Thrones, Ok not xd! And remember I'm watching you Muahahahahha :D!

  2. jajajaaja belen you are evil!!! ajaja game of thrones is de best of the world!! i liked so much, waiting for your next post!!!

  3. Hello Andreiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii you are the alpha man yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! never forget it!!!!!! =)

  4. hellouuuuuu jajajja. I don't know what I write, so I tell you just this words .... chan - chan... "The winter is coming"
    Ah! McGonnagall says that you're fail in all your OWL !! jajajaja, noo, is a joke
    Bye :D

  5. Andrea, I understand your new obsession xD it´s because harry potter films it over :( Now we only can watch old movies like the chambers of secret or the Goblet of Fire :( it so sad

  6. Hi Andrea! we are obsessed, I love it game, but my favorite game is "delicious: emily's true love", it's a girls game, but I don't worry, because I love it!. Greeting and kisses for you.

  7. Andrea!!, i like game of thrones, but i watch only one season :(

  8. Hi Andrea,

    I only saw the first season. My wife didn't like it and she's in charge of the remote control (unless there's football on TV!).
